CONTENTS:- Vol.1: 1. Animal Wealth; 2. Useful Animals; 3. Wool Products; 4. Fur Products; 5. Leather Industry; 6. Fowl Industry; 7. Milk Industry; 8. Prawn Industry; 9. Fish Industry; 10. Snakes for Industry; 11. Pearls as Products; 12. Biotechnology at Work. Vol.2: 1. The Wildlife; 2. Human Factors; 3. Population Factor; 4. Defending Animals; 5. Sea Creatures; 6. Biological Family; 7. Antibodies at Work; 8. Defending Elements.
Zoology is that branch of biology, which treats issues concerning animals. It is a vast and well-established branch, which touched almost every part of animal life. Animals of any species, particularly, mammals have a close mutual relationship with humans. Rather, they serve the mankind in various ways so much so that even the wastes thereof pay off well. Skin of the animals, bones, fur, horns, flesh and other organs--all are of enormous worth to man. Tanning is one of the most thriving industries. Similarly, in medicine, various parts of animals are made use of extensively. Present work is an important document on economy zoology. It offers an insightful and a wide range of information is simple and interesting style and language. A must for every business enthusiast.