I. Introduction:
1. Phempo and its monasteries.
2. Historical background.
3. Kadampa masters of the early phyi dar.
4. Location and architecture of the monastic sites.
II. Descriptions:
1. The region of Phempo:
i. Map of Phempo.
2. The first generation of the Kadampas: two influential monasteries beyond the borders of Phempo:
i. Drak Yerpa (Brag Yer pa).
ii. Radeng (Rwa sgren).
3. Kadampa sites in Phempo:
i. Gyal Lhakhang (rGyal lha khan), Shawogang (Sa bo sgan), Ragma Jamkhang (Rag ma Byams khan).
ii. Nalendra (Na lendra).
iii. Langtang (glan than).
iv. Shara Gompa (sa ra dgon pa) and the chorten of Shara Bumpa (sa ra bum pa).
v. Tangsag Ganden Chungkhor (Than sag dGa Idan chos khor).
vi. Nesur Gompa (sNe zur dgon pa).
vii. Rinchendrak (Rin chen brag).
viii. Dragyab (Brag rgyab).
ix. Poto Gompa (Po to dgon pa).
x. Phuchung (Phu chun).
xi. Khamlung (Kham lun).
1. The catalogue (dkar chag) of Shara Gompa.
2. Names (English-Tibetan).
3. Selected bibliography.
4. Plans of Nesur monastery.