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International Encyclopaedia of Anthropology; 12 Volumes / Channa, S.M. (Ed.)
International Encyclopaedia of Anthropology; 12 Volumes
Channa, S.M. (Ed.)
List Price : US$ 673.66
Our Price : US$ 538.93

  Book ID : 1780
  ISBN-10 : 81-7020-726-6 / 8170207266
  ISBN-13 : 978-81-7020-726-9 / 9788170207269
  Place of Publication : Delhi
  Year of Publication : 1998
  Edition : (First Edition)
  Language : English
  lxxii, 3485p., Ills., Maps, Bib., 23 cm.
CONTENTS:- Vol.1: 1. Action, morality, and cultural translation/Tord Larsen. 2. The cultural problem of the cultural anthropologist/Francis L.K. Hsu. 3. Culture as "Tokens" and as "Guide": Swahili statements, beliefs, and behavior concerning generational differences/Marc J. Swartz. 4. Cultural sharing and cultural theory: some findings of five-society study/Marc J. Swartz. 5. The evolution of mind: an anthropological approach/Robin Fox. 6. Food classification in three Pacific societies: Fiji, Hawaii, and Tahiti/Nancy J. Pallock. 7. Human emotions: universal or culture-specific?/Anna Wierzbicka. 8. Melpa dream interpretation and the concept of hidden truth/Andrew Strathern. 9. Origins, functions, development, and motivation: unity and disunity in the study of behavior/N.G. Blurton Jones. 10. People, beradches, and left-handed bears: human variation in native America/Jay Miller. 11. Play in violent and non-violent cultures/Joseph Royce. 12. Sings of the self: an exploration in semiotic anthropology/Milton Singer. Vol.2: 1. The anthropogeographic theory of Franz Boas/William W. Speth. 2. Anthropology as empirical science/J. Tim O'Meara. 3. Clark Wissler and the development of anthropology in the United States/Stanley A. Freed and Ruth S. Freed. 4. Distinguishing functional and historical causality in anthropology/James Hodges Emery. 5. Concepts of individual, self, and person in description and analysis/Grace Gredys Harris. 6. Kroeber's theory of culture areas and the ethnology of northwestern California/Thomas Buckley. 7. Origins and evolution of culture/W. Penn Handwerker. 8. The paradoxical anthropology of Leslie White/Richard A. Barrett. 9. Post-interpretive anthropology/Laura Nader. 10. What kind of science is anthropology?/David F. Aberle. Vol.3: 1. Death of Koliam: a wichcraft killing in a changing environment/Thomas M. Marecek. 2. The ethnographic enterprise and the bureaucratization of ethics: the problem of human subjects legislation/David K. Jordan. 3. Ethnography as an interpreter of national censuses: the Guatemalan case/John D. Early. 4. Ethnohistory and the anthropologist as expert witness in legal disputes: a southwestern Alaska case/Kerry D. Feldman. 5. For whom the bell tolls: anthropologists advising on public policy/Dorothy Willner. 6. Impact of welfare aid on society: The U.S. Welfare Act of 1988/S.M. Ghazanfar and Julie Monroe. 7. The Indian Government program for sterlization: a case study in Uttar Pradesh/S.K. Ray and Sanjiv Nair. 8. Modeling Kalahari Hunter-Gatherer subsistence and settlement systems. Implications for development policy and land use planning in Botswana/Robert K. Hitchcock and James I. Ebert. 9. Some considerations on the limits of anthropological theory as applied to community development/Claudia Fonsena. 10. Sorcery, premeditated murder and the canalization of aggression in Sri Lanka/Gananath Obeyesekere. 11. Southeast Asian refugees in the United States: the interaction of kinship and public policy/David W. Haines. 12. The unbounded reaches of anthropology as a research science, and some working hypotheses/Eliot D. Chapple. 13. Economic development and cultural resource management in the Third World: an example from Peru/Richard W. Keatinge. Vol.4: 1. Children's games as mechanisms for easing ethnic interaction in ethnically heterogeneous communities: a Nigerian case/Frank A. Salamone. 2. China's nationalities policy: its development and problems/Jiann Hsieh. 3. Labelling people: who are the Bretons?/Lois Kuter. 4. The mirrored self: identity and ritual inversion among the eastern Bororo/J. Christopher Crocker. 5. The names people play: atuot metaphors of self/John W. Burton. 6. Palestinian refugee ideology: an enquiry into key metaphors/Nels Johnson. 7. Politics and Muslim ethnicity in South India/Janet E. Benson. 8. Problems of identification and classification of some Nilagiri tribes/Kamil V. Zvelebil. 9. Problems of the national language in Tamilnad/M.S. Andronov. 10. Toward a reconstitution of ethnicity: capitalist expansion and cultural dynamics in Sudan/Jay O. Brien. 11. What is an ethnic group? Ecology and class structure in northern Greece/Muriel D. Schein. Vol.5: 1. The displaced Yanadis of Sriharikota Island: a study of changing interactions between environment and culture/P. Sudhakara Reddy and A. Munirathnam Reddy. 2. Ecology and mode of production: seasonal variation and the division of labour by sex among hunter-gatherers/Rhoda H. Halperin. 3. Equality and hierarchy in maritime adaptation: the importance of flexibility in the social organization of a south Indian fishing caste/Elisabeth Schoembucher. 4. Food taboos: a primitive environmental protection agency (South America)/David R. McDonald. 5. Human territoriality: an ecological reassessment/Rada Dyson-Hudson and Eric Alden Smith. 6. "The importance of a rose": evaluating the cultural significance of plants in Thompson and Lillooet Interior Salish/Nancy J. Turner. 7. Primitive warfare and the ratomorphic image of mankind/Clayton A. Robarchek. 8. Rational preselection from Hamadryas to Homo Sapiens: the place of decisions in adaptive process/Christopher Boehm. 9. On the subject of human ecology/H. Fischer-Harriehausen. 10. Subsistence strategy and its ecological consequences in the Nepal Himalaya/Robert Hoffpauir. 11. Tappers, trappers and the hill Pandaram (South India)/Brian Morris. 12. Water buffalo: India's other bovine/Robert Hoffpauir. Vol.6: 1. Adoption and kinship in Oceania/Joan B. Silk. 2. Definitions of kin/Ian Keen. 3. The descent of rights and the descent of persons/Herold Scheffler. 4. The illusion of Nath Agnation/Aidan Southall. 5. Kinship and mode of production/Janet Siskind. 6. Kinship term grammar: a review/C.H. Borland. 7. Levirate and sororate and the terminological classification of uncles, aunts, and siblings' children/A.E.M.J. Pans. 8. Markedness in systems of kin classification/H.W. Scheffler. 9. Tallensi kinship or the rationalism of British anthropology/Michel Verdon. 10. Unpacking hopi "Clans": another vintage model out of Africa?/Peter M. Whiteley. 11. Where have all their lineages gone? Cattle and descent among the Nuer/Michel Verdon. Vol.7: 1. The evolution of human female sexuality: a cross-species perspective/Carol R. Ember and Melvin Ember. 2. Female circumcision in Somalia/Pia Grassivaro Gallo and Franco Viviani. 3. Is rape a cultural universal? A re-examination of the ethnographic data/Craig Palmer. 4. Lactation and menstruation in cultural perspective/Barbara B. Harrell. 5. Male pregnancy and the reduction of sexual opposition in a New Guinea highlands society/Anna S. Meigs. 6. Reconsidering the menstrual taboo: a Portuguese case/Denise L. Lawrence. 7. Sex differences in Maasai cognition of personality and social identity/Michael Burton and Lorraine Kirk. 8. Sexual subordination: institutionalized homosexuality and social control in Melanesia/Gerald W. Creed. 9. Subject honor and object shame: the construction of male homosexuality and stigma in Nicaragua/Roger N. Lancaster. 10. The Oedipus Complex, Antigone, and Electra: the women as hero and victim/Dorothy Willner. Vol.8: 1. Aboriginal concept of boundary. How do aboriginals conceive "Easements"--how do they grant them?/J.K. Doolan. 2. Central Asian mythology of the origin of death: a comparative analysis of its structure and history/Manabu Waida. 3. Cosmology and economy among the maring of highland New Guinea/Edward LiPuma. 4. Cosmology and symbolism on the central Guinea coast/M.C. Jedrej. 5. Living with the dead: aspects of the afterlife in Nuer and Dinka cosmology (Sudan)/John W. Burton. 6. The northern Thai calendar and its uses/Richard Davis. 7. Some imaginative functions of consciousness from a Balinese form of life on Lombok/Andrew Duff-Cooper. 8. Strands versus structure in the theory of myth/Gabriella Eichinger Ferro-Luzzi. 9. Sun and symbols: a Luba story (Zaire)/Th. J.A. Theuws. 10. The symbols of "Forest": a structural analysis of Mbuti culture and social organization/Mark S. Mosko Vol.9: 1. Criteria for selecting herbal remedies/C. Browner. 2. Dawa: beyond science and superstition (Tanzania)/M. Singleton. 3. Language of illness in South Kanara (India)/Mark Nichter. 4. Magic as a "quasi-profession": the organization of magic and magical healing among Amhara/Allan Young. 5. The Maya Bonesetter as sacred specialist/Benjamin D. Paul. 6. Role of the Marrnggitj in contemporary health care/Janice Reid. 7. Shamanistic symptoms or symbols? A case of indetermination (The body of the Guajiro Shaman)/Michel Perrin. 8. Smallpox in person: personification or personalization (Africa)/M. Singleton. 9. Therapeutic techniques of Huichole Curanderos with a case report of cross cultural psychotherapy (Mexico)/Thomas H. Lewis. 10. Universal aspects of symbolic healing: a theoretical synthesis/James Dow. 11. World distribution of theories of illness/George P. Murdock, Suzanne F. Wilson and Violetta Frederick. Vol.10: 1. Agnatic descent and endogamy: a note/Michel Verdon. 2. Disappearance of the incest taboo: a cross cultural test of general evolutionary hypotheses/Gregory C. Leavitt. 3. Elder sister's daughter marriage in South Asia/Anthony Good. 4. ETIC variations on fosterage and adoption/Arvilla C. Payne-Price. 5. FBD marriage: further support for the westermarck hypothesis of the incest taboo?/Justine McCabe. 6. Kwoma death payments and alliance theory/Ross Bowden. 7. Matrilocal residence and nonsororal polygyny: a case from the Comoro Islands/Martin Ottenheimer and Harriet Ottenheimer. 8. Men who are called "Women" in Toba-Batak: marriage, fundamental, sex-role differences, and the suitability of the gloss "Wife-receiver"/D. George Sherman. 9. Pahari and Tibetan polyandry revisited/Melvyn Goldstein. 10. Rethinking the consanguineal household and matrifocality/Nancie Loudon Gonzalez. 11. Socioeconomic consequences of stem family composition in a Thai village/Brian L. Foster. 12. The westermarck hypothesis and first cousin marriage: the cultural modification of negative sexual imprinting/Carroll McC. Pastner. Vol.11: 1. Changing roles of women in Egypt's newly reclaimed lands/Shoeir Sukkari-Stolba. 2. Cross-cultural codes dealing with the relative status of women/Martin King Whyte. 3. Hidden meanings: explorations into a Bamanan construction of gender/Maria Grosz-Nagate. 4. Interpreting androgynous woman: female aging and personhood among the Kel Ewey Tuareg/Susan J. Rasmussen. 5. Margaret Mead's view of sex roles in her own and other societies/Peggy Reeves Sanday. 6. Myth of male superiority: rise and demise/Seymour Parker and Hilda Parker. 7. Religion and repression enforcing feminine inequality in an "Egalitarian society"/Frank A. Salamone. 8. Rituals of gender: a study of etiquette, public symbols, and cognition/Seymour Parker. 9. Sex, status, and authority in Egalitarian society/Elsie B. Begler. 10. Sexuality and the moral "Construction" of women in an Islamic society/Jane L. Bauer. 11. Who does what to the Sago?/A Kwoma variation of Sepik river sex roles/Margaret Holmes Williamson. Vol.12: 1. Aesthics and power in Pambin Tullal: a possession ritual of rural Kerala/Deborah L. Neff. 2. Bayu Utarnu: ghost exorcism and sacrifice in Nepal/John N. Gray. 3. Dreams of change: the innovative role of altered states of consciousness in traditional Melanesian religion/Michele Stephen. 4. Faith, fashion and family: religion, aesthetics, identity and social organization in Strasbourg/Atwood D. Gaines. 5. Flutes, birds, and hair in Hagen (PNG)/Andrew Strathern. 6. Glancing: visual interaction in Hinduism/Lawrence A. Babb. 7. Meaningful God sets from a Chinese personal pantheon and a Hindu personal pantheon/John M. Roberts, Chien Chiao and Triloki N. Pandey. 8. Priests, carpenters, and household heads: ritual performers in Japan/Michael Ashkenazi. 9. Religion and social structure in The division of Labor/Ernest Wallwork. 10. Ritual and southwest Asian pastoralists: implications of the Komachi case/Daniel A. Bradburd. 11. Sathya Sai Baba's magic/Lawrence A. Babb. 12. Social communication in Dravidian ritual/Bryan Pfaffenberger.
The International Encyclopaedia of Anthropology brings together some of the most important works to appear in this creative phase of the discipline. The seventies and eighties mark a turning point in the direction and identity of anthropology and the articles included in this encyclopaedia pertain to some of these major theoretical and methodological debates and emerging issues. Some of the articles present entirely seminal point of view and may be read as initiators of fresh theoretical debates. Others are carrying forward existing theories or adding a fresh perspective to old ones. The ethnographic material included in the encyclopaedia is global in its scope and contains data from all over the world, pertaining to every type of society and culture. Special care has been taken to include material which is important to understanding the scope and application of anthropology as a discipline. The articles have been arranged theme wise in the successive volumes and cover all major areas like culture, behaviour, religious beliefs and practices, kinship, gender, medical anthropology, political anthropology, ecological anthropology, research methodology, practicing anthropology, ethnicity and identity, sexuality and culture, family and marriage etc. The holistic nature of the discipline makes it impossible to segregate individual themes completely, but care has been taken that the articles are not only bound by a common thread but also covers most dimensions of the major themes. The contributors to this set include reputed scholars from all parts of the world. These include names like Raymond Firth, Francis Hsu, Mary Douglas, Robin Fox, Lawrence Babb, J.K. Doolan, Michel Verdon, Marc J. Swartz, Frank A. Solomon, Martin K. Whyte, Andrew Strathern, David G. Mandelbaum, Melford Spiro, Laura Nader, Walter Goldschmidt, and many other such great scholars.



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