CONTENTS:- Introduction; Environment and human activities; Concept of society and culture; Family, Marriage and kinship; Social economic systems; Mineral resource of the modern country; Social status; Social sanctions and laws; European migration; The Religion; Caste.
Social Anthropology is a study of all human cultures and societies. The basic idea is that it tries to find out the structure of human societies all over the world. Social anthropology seeks to establish all societies not withstanding any country are an organized whole. It scope is to examine the whole pattern of working, living, marrying, worshiping, organizing politically, keeping order and so on. According to Evans Pritchard, 'Social Anthropology has primitive societies as its subject matter. In other words, it is concerned with the affairs of the primitive, indigenous people, hills and forest people, scheduled tribes and other such groups of people.' Another definition of social anthropology are generated in the field and not on the desk of a study room in library. Further this book studies the family, marriage and kinship, social economic systems, mineral resources of the modern country, social status, social sanctions and laws, European migration, the religion and the casts under the subsequent chapters. Its range is very vast and it gives the valuable information to readers.