CONTENTS:- Philosophy Metaphysics, and science; Division; Brief bibliography for the student; Origin of Greek philosophy; The School of Miletus, Thales Anaximander, Anaxements; The problem of change; Eleatic philosophy, Xenophanes, Parmenides, Melissus, Zeno, Gorgias; Heraclitus; The Pythagorean speculation; Empedocles; Anaxagoras; Diogenes of Apollonia archelaus Leucippus Democritus; Protagoras; Socrates; Aristippus and hedonism antisthenes and cynicism euclides and the school of megara; Plato; The Idea; Nature; The Highest good; Aristotle; First philosophy; Second philosophy, or the philosophy of nature; Epicurus; Stoicism; Sceptical reaction. Pyrrhonism; Academic scepticism; Sensationalaistic scepticism; The Scientific movement; Eclecticism; Plotinus and Neo Platonism; The last Neo-Platonic polytheists porphyry jamblichus proclus; Christian Platonism; St. Augustine; The death struggles of the Roman world Barbarism. The first symptoms of a new philosophy; Scholasticism; Scotus erigena; St. Anselm; Realsim and nominalism; Abelard; Hugo of St. victor; The progress of free thought; Growing influence of the philosophy of Aristotle; The peripatetics of the thirteenth century; St. Thomas of aquin; Duns scouts; Reappearance of nomialism, Durand, Occam, Buridan, D'Ailly; Downfall of scholasticism, Revival of the interest in nature and experimental science roger bacon. Mysticism; The revival of letters; Neo-Platonism, theosophy. Magic; Aristotle versus Aristotle or the liberal peripatetics stoics. Epicureans skeptics; The religious reform; Scholasticism and theosophy in the protestant countries. Jacob Bohme; The scientific movement; Giordano Bruno; Tommaso Campanella; Francis bacon; Thomas hobbes; Descartes and the method of doubt; The Cartesian school; Spinoza: Definitions; Deductions: Theory of substance; Theory of Attributes; Theory of Modes; Leibniz; John Locke. Experience as the source of knowledge; Berkeley and subjective idealism; Condillac; Progress of materialism; David Hume. The culmination of empiricism in scepticism; Kant. The Doctorine of criticism: Critique of pure reason; Critique of paractical reason; Critique of Judgement; Kant and German idealism; Fichte; Schelling; Hegel; Logic, or genealogy of pure concepts; philosophy of nature; philosophy of mind; Herbart; Schopenhauer. Will as the fundamental reality; The state of philosophy in 1860; The philosophy of evolution. Darwin Spencer. Haeckel. Ostwald; Emprical positivism. Comte; Methodological positivism. Lange. Sociological positivism. Durkhelm; Spoiritualism in Germany. Fechner. Spiritualism in France. Maine de biran cousin; Idealism in England. Green. Bradley; Idealism in America. Royce. Howison. Bowne; Critical idealism in Germany. The Marburg school, windelband. Rickert. Dilthey. Eucken. Simmel; idealism in Italy. Croce; The will to power. Nietzsche; The impulse of life Bergson. Pragmatism and the will to believe. James; Realism in Germany meinong husserl; Realism in England and America.