CONTENTS:- Preliminary Notation; Theory of Groups and Homomorphisms; Caley's Theorem, Cosets and Normal Subgroups; Rings, Integral Domains and Fields; Polynomial Rings; Vector Spaces; Theory of Matrices and Determinants; Eigen Values and Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors of Matrices.
Introduction to Abstract Algebraic System in its Present form has been written keeping in view the latest syllabi of several Indian universities. The aim has been to present a logical and practical approach to the basic concepts. The method of presentation is very clear and lucid, which can be easily followed by the students. The contents of the book is so structured as to enable the student to move easily from the fundamental to the complex. The book should also prove to be quite useful for the candidates appearing at various competitive examinations. It is our earnest hope that this edition will be of great value to all our students.