1. Anatomy of female reproductive system
2. Physiology of menstruation
3. Impregnation
4. Pumsawanakarma
5. Nourishment of Garbha (Zygote/Embryo/Fetus)
6. Growth and Development of Fetus
i. General
ii. Monthwise Development of Fetus
iii. Functions of Pancamahabhutas and Body-Parts of Fetus Derived from these
iv. Sadbhavas of Garbha
v. Formation of Sex of Fetus
vi. Formation of Body-Complexion
vii. Formation of Eye-Colour
viii. Others
7. Multiple Pregnancy
8. Development of Placenta
9. Teratologic Anomalies
10. Normal Intrauterine Situation of Fetus
11. Signs/Symptoms of Pregnancy
12. Dauhrda
13. Antenatal Care
14. Pregnancy Disorders
i. General Disorders
ii. Disorders Specific to Pregnancy
15. Revati or Jataharini
16. Disorders Simulating Pregnancy
17. Pathologies of Embryo/Fetus
i. Abortions
ii. Upavistaka Garbha; Nagodara or Upasuska Garbha (Missed Abortion)
iii. Jarayudosa
iv. Raktagulma (Molar Pregnancy)
v. Garbhasosa or Garbhaksaya (Intrauterine Growth Retardation)
vi. Garbhativrddhi or Sthulagarbha (Macrosomia)
18. Intrauterine Death of the Fetus
19. Sutikagara i.e. Accouchement Ward/Room
20. Labour
i. Normal Labour
ii. Abnormal Labour
21. Puerperium
22. Sutika-Paricarya i.e. General Management of Puerperal Woman
23. Puerperal Disorders
i. Makkalla (After Pains)
ii. Raktavidradhi
iii. Sutika Jwara (Puerperal Fever)
iv. Sutika Roga
24. Termination of Pregnancy
25. Contraception
26. Gynecological Disorders
i. Disorders of Yoni
a. Yonivyapad
b. Yonyarsa (Warts of Vulva/Vagina or Condylomata Acuminata)
c. Yonikanda (Bartholinitis/Bartholins Abscess)
d. Yonidurmarmamsa (Infected Polyp or Ulcer with Over Granulation?)
ii. Menstrual Disorders
a. Astartava Dosas (Eight Menstrual Disorders)
b. Nastartava and Artavaksaya
c. Artava Ativrddhi
d. Asrgdara (Menometrorrhagia)
iii. Infertility (Bandhyatwa)
iv. Other Disorders
a. Somaroga
b. Swetapradara and Asthisdiva (Leucorrhoea)
c. Vasti Roga (Uterine Polyp?)
d. Kuranga Roga
e. Congenital Malformations
f. Venereal Diseases
27. Sexology
28. Cosmetics and others
29. Special Gynecologic Instruments
30. Disorders of Breast
1. Normal/abnormal breasts and their effect upon the child
2. Wet nurse
3. Conditions of woman and child unfit for breast-feeding
4. Method to Start Breast Feeding
5. Breast-Milk
i. Importance and Formation of Breast-Milk
ii. Properties of Breast-Milk
iii. Abnormalities of Breast-Milk
6. Substitute Milk
1. Childhood Age (Balawastha)
2. Resuscitation of Asphyxiated Newborn
3. Immediate Care of Newborn
4. Feeding Schedule for First Four Days
5. General Care of Neonate
6. Protective or Preventive Measures for A Child
7. Naming Ceremony of the Child
8. First Physical Examination (Ayu Pariksana)
9. Kumaradhara (Attendant)
10. Kumaragara (Abode of Child)
11. Clothes and Bed of the Child
12. Showing the Sun and Taking out the Child
13. Initiation of Sitting and Complications of Prolong Sitting
14. Playground and Toys for a Child
15. Day to Day Behaviour and Management of a Child
16. Initiation of Cereal Feeding :
i. Weaning
ii. Phalaprasana
iii. Annaprasana Samskara
17. Dentition
18. Karnavedhana Samskara (Piercing of Ear)
19. Cudakarana Samskara (Tonsure Ceremony)
20. Initiation of Education
21. Upanayan Samskara (Threading Ceremony)
22. Dosage for Children
23. Mode of Drug Administration to Children
24. Method to Diagnose Pediatric Ailments
25. Principles of Treatment of Pediatrics Ailments
26. Diseases of Children :
i. Congenital Disorders
ii. Fever etc. General Disorders
iii. Specific Pediatric Disorders :
a. Disorders due to Improper Natal or Postnatal Management
b. Diseases due to Improper Cutting of Umbilical Cord or its Mismanagement
c. Ailments Caused by Milk Vitiation
d. Skin-Disorders
e. Eye-Disorders
f. Other Disorders
g. Balagrahas