Hotel Housekeeping: Necessary Features is a comprehensive textbook specially written to meet the requirement of students pursuing courses in hotel management.
The book explores the key elements of housekeeping as also its theoretical foundations and techniques of operations. It provides an exhaustive coverage of the core concepts of the subject : the structure and layout of the housekeeping department, housekeeping inventory, guestroom layout and maintenance, flower arrangement, and interior decoration.
Beginning with an overview of the hospitality industry and the housekeeping department, the book discusses in detail management of housekeeping personnel, contracts and ' outsourcing, planning and daily routines, cleaning, supervision, control desk activities, budgeting, textiles, linen and laundry operations, and uniforms. It goes on to discuss important issues in housekeeping, such as safety and security, pest control and waste disposal, and management of an optimal internal environment. Finally, it discusses interior designing, guestroom renovation, horticulture, and preparations for a new property. The book pays special attention to emerging areas such as ecotels and the changing trends in housekeeping. |