It is known that dryland farming is not remunerative due to several constraints. Location specific techno-logies have been evolved for yield stabilization in dryland farming and conservation of fragile ecosystem by sustainable use of soil and water resources. Drought and flood situations are experienced some where in the country inspite of pletifull resources of waters unshine hours but poverty among farmers still exists. This book deals with seed, soil, watersheds, crop, weed and nutrient manage-ment use of weather forecast, measure to save crops under abiotic stresses like drought and flooding, selection of crops and variety, reclamation of degraded land, organic recycling, agro-hydro modelling and suitable medicinal and aromatic crops to make dry farming remunerative for welfare of common farmers. This is the first comprehensive book where large number of agro-techniques are incorporated. Chapters are written by eminent scientists of national repute who have devoted their life time to solve probable problems of dryland. Book includes all relevant aspects of rainfed farming and is therefore a valuable addition in Dryfarming and meets the expectations of all those interested in rainfed farming in the country and abroad. Long outstanding demand has thus fulfilled with this book. The novel approach of editor has made the readers task quick and minimized their efforts by compiling all agro-techniques together at one place for benefit of farmers.