Vol.1: Theory of Educational Administration: 1. Theory and motivation in school. 2. Education and modernisation. 3. Educational reforms. 4. Variant aims administration in education. 5. Autonomy support in education. 6. Curriculum integration and development. 7. Current educational theory. 8. Educational theory and its relation to educational practice.
Vol.2: School Administration: 1. Introduction. 2. School administration theoretical perspective. 3. Theories of educational administrations. 4. Educational politics. 5. Role of interest groups in school administration. 6. Theory and practice of educational administration. 7. Incentives in school administration. 8. Management of difficult children. 9. Formation of character. 10. Administration of child health. 11. Directing play activities. 12. State and administration of education in America. 13. District politics and education. 14. State and national educational politics: American case.
Vol.3: Classroom Administration: 1. Behaviour principles in classrooms. 2. Classroom practice. 3. Teachers about their pupils. 4. How order is achieved in classrooms. 5. Tasks in infant classrooms. 6. Teaching and learning in the primary classroom. 7. Teacher’s expectations and pupil’s achievements. 8. Indian education. 9. Observation of classroom behaviour. 10. Teaching for desired learning outcomes. 11. Instruction and the cultivation of thinking.
Vol. IV. School Organisation and Administration: 1. Improving human relations. 2. Problems of classroom management. 3. Motivation and leadership. 4. High school publicity. 5. The Democratic tradition. 6. The needs of adolescents. 7. Personal living. 8. The development of the principalship. 9. Types of organisation.