Savantwadi is the southernmost taluka of Sindhudrug District which still abounds in a great variety and large number of species of vascular plant in Maharashtra state. The topography of the taluka varies from high mountain terrain up to 2300 ft. above MSL (Amboli, Chaukal, Ramghat, etc.) to coastal regions in the plains (Aronda, Ajgaon, etc.). Out of the 134073 hectare (1336.2 square km) area of the taluka 11801 hectare (8.3%) constitute forests. The entire area is composed of uneven terrain and a number of medium size to small rivers and streams are frequently found which present the diversity in the vegetation.
The book deals with about 1685 species of vascular plants including ferns, giving information on distribution, relative abundance, ecological features, phenology, local names and citation of specimens along with a short description. Cultivated and introduced plants are enumerated after their respective genera or families without description and other details.
The book incorporates 5 new taxa, more than 60 new distributional records for Maharashtra state and a number of corrections in the plant nomenclature. |