Vol.1: Protozoa:
1. Classification of Protozoa.
2. Euglena.
3. Trypanosoma.
4. Leishmania.
5. Amoeba.
6. Entamoeba Histolytica.
7. Elphidium (= Polystomella).
8. Monocystis.
9. Eimeria.
10. Plasmodium-Malarial Parasite.
11. Paramecium.
12. Vorticella.
13. Skeleton in Protozoa.
14. Locomotory organelles and locomotion in Protozoa.
15. Osmoregulation in Protozoa.
16. Reproduction in Protozoa.
17. Parasitism in Protozoa.
18. Economic importance of Protozoa.
Vol.2: Porifera:
1. Characters and classification.
2. Leucosolenia: an Asconoid sponge.
3. Scypha (=Sycon): a Syconoid sponge.
4. Histology of sponges.
5. Canal system in sponges.
6. Skeleton in sponges.
7. Reproduction in sponges.
8. Origin of sponges.
9. Affinities of Porifera.
10. Economic importance of sponges.
Vol.3: Coelenterata:
1. General characters and classification.
2. Hydra.
3. Obelia.
4. Aurelia.
5. Metridium.
6. Polymorphism in coelenterates.
7. Corals and coral reefs.
8. Nematocysts in Coelenterata.
9. Mesenteries in Coelenterata.
10. Symmetry in Coelenterata.
Vol.4: Helminthes:
1. General characters and classification of Platyhelminthes.
2. Some representatives of Platyhelminthes.
3. Planaria (Dugesia).
4. Fasciola Hepatica (Liver Fluke).
5. Schistosoma (Blood Fluke of man).
6. Opisthorchis Sinensis (Chinese Liver Fluke).
7. Taenia Solium: the Pork Tapeworm.
8. Echinococcus.
9. Characters and classification of Aschelminthes.
10. Some representatives.
11. Ascaris Lumbricoides.
12. Ancylostoma Duodenale (Hook Worm).
13. Wuchereria Bancrofti (Filarial Worm).
14. Parasitic adaptations.
15. Helminthes and human diseases.
Vol.5: Annelida:
1. General characters and classification.
2. Some important representatives of Annelida.
3. Nereis (Neanthes).
4. Pheretima Posthuma.
5. Lumbricus Terrestris.
6. Hirudinaria.
7. Archiannelida.
8. Metamerism.
9. Coelom in Annelida.
10. Coelomoducts and Nephridia.
11. Reproduction and larva in Annelida.
Vol.6: Arthropoda:
1. General characters and classification.
2. Some important representatives of Arthropoda.
3. Palaemon.
4. Crustacean fishery.
5. Crustacean larvae.
6. Limulus-king crab.
7. Palamnaeus (Scorpion).
8. Periplaneta: cockroach.
9. Grasshopper or Locust.
10. Culex and Anopheles: the mosquitoes.
11. Musca: the housefly.
12. Apis: the honey bee.
13. Bombyx mori: the silkworm or silk-moth.
14. Climex: the bedbug.
15. Termites or white ants.
16. Mouthparts of insects.
17. Metamorphosis in insects.
18. Peripatus.
Vol.7: Mollusca:
1. Characters and classification of Phylum-Mollusca.
2. Some representative Mollusc types.
3. Neopilina.
4. Chiton.
5. Pila Globosa (the Apple Snail).
6. Unio (Lamellidens).
7. Sepia.
8. Loligo.
9. Archimollusc or Hypothetical ancestral mollusc.
10. Foot or podium in Mollusca.
11. Respiration in Mollusca.
12. Nervous system in Mollusca.
13. Torsion in Gastropoda.
14. Pearl and pearlculture.
Vol.8: Echinodermata:
1. Introduction.
2. General characters and classification.
3. Common representatives of Echinodermata.
4. Asterias.
5. Pentaceros.
6. Echinus (Sea-Urchin).
7. Cucumaria (Sea-Cucumber).
8. Water Vascular system in Echinoderms.
9. Larval forms in Echinoderms.
Vol.9: Minor Phyla:
1. Phylum Mesozoa.
2. Phylum Ctenophora.
3. Phylum Numertinea.
4. Phylum Entoprocta.
5. Phylum Acanthocephala.
6. Phylum Nematomorpha or Gordiacea.
7. Phylum Rotifera.
8. Phylum Gastrotricha.
9. Phylum Kinorhyncha or Echinodera.
10. Phylum Ectoprocta (Bryozoa).
11. Phylum Brachiopoda.
12. Phylum Phoronida.
13. Phylum Chaetognatha.
14. Phylum Priapulida.
15. Phylum Sipunculida.
16. Phylum Echiuroidea.
17. Phylum Pogonophora.
18. Phylum Tardigrada.