An exposition on the three vows (sdom gsum) related to the diciple, precepts, and practice of the three vehicles of Tibetan Buddhism; (Sna-'gyur mtho slob mdo snags rig pa'i 'byun gnas glin gi lo rim dgu'i slob tshan; pod 1) "Rgya-gar lho phyogs Ma'i-sor Sna-'gyur mtho slob mdo snags rigs pa'i 'byun gnas glin gi gtso bo lo rim dgu'i slob tshan Rgya Bod mkhas dban gis mdzad pa'i 'grel chen rnams kyi dbu phyogs bzugs so"-Prelim.p.1.; 285p., 8x37 cm. (Pecha Style)