1200p. app. in each vol., 10x50 cm. (Pecha Style)
Vol.1: Gtan tshigs gshung don sgo 'byed rig lam bsdus gra dang tshad ma rnam 'byed rtsa 'grel skor gyi gsung pod bzhungs so;
Vol.2: Sa lam rnam 'byed 'phrul sgron rtsa 'grel dang dbu ma rtsa 'grel theg chen gzhi lam 'bras bu 'rtsa 'grel skor gyi gsung pod bzhugs so;
Vol.3: Theg pa chen po shes rab kyi pha rol du phyin pa rtsa 'grel skor gyi gsung pod bzhugs so;
Vol.4: Lung mtshan nyid pa 'mdzod dphug rtsa I 'grel dang bstan pa 'srog shing 'dul ba gzhung 'grel gyi sgsung pod gzhugs so;
Vol.5: Theg pa' rim pa mngon du bshad pa 'mdo gyud rtsa 'grel dang mu stigs tshar gcod gtan tshigs thig mdo bcas kyi gsung pod bzhugs so;
Vol.6: Gsang sngags gsang don rnam 'byed dang rtsa rgyug bsan thub 'grel yid bzhin rnam par bkod pa' rgyan gyi gsung pod bzhugs so;
Vol.7: Rdzogs pa chen po gal mdo 'skor dang rdzogs chen drang nges songs kyi gsung po bzugs so.
This set of 7 volumes of Bonpo texts is based on the traditional Bonpo geshe course being given in the monastic institutions in Tibet, Nepal and India.