v, 280p., Index, 23 cm. (Krishnadas Ayurveda Series No. 80)
CONTENTS:- I. Herbals-Rasayana Herbal Broad spectrum. II. Rasayana Projection - Ideographic Presentations. III. Rasayana Scan. IV. Rasayana Insight - Ayurveda Contributes Rasayana. V. Textual Excerpts of classical sources.
The medical and health system generally equate and relate rasayana tantra of Ayurveda with gerontology and geriatrics of modern science and medicine. Accordingly the rasayana, one of the divisions or areas of indigenous medical system, is commonly put as geriatrics or gerontology (or alike) in modern terminology, and the geriatrics is rasayana vidya or tantra belonging to Ayurveda. This common conception needs to be rethought and modified after making in-depth study of phenomenon, concept and practice of rasayana, by adding unique ideology, specialties and excellent contribution made by Indian school of thoughts in the field of medicine, with special reference to rasayana which deals with science of geriatrics (study of senility and senile health care system) as well as science of nutrition (posana) which covers vast areas of health and medicine, actually from paediatrics to geriatrics.