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Everyday, 1000 children around the world die from AIDS and about 90 percent of the 40 million people infected with HIV live in developing countries. In India, estimated number of HIV-AIDS patients is about 3.7 million out of which number of women (15-49 years) is 1.7 million and children 1,60,000 respectively. According to an expert view, at the current rate of progression, we would require six times the number of hospital beds we have today to accommodate just the cases of AIDS. Our general hospital bed availability is only 0.08 per 1000 population. In this encyclopaedia, the emphasis is more on elaboration and explanation of the terms instead of bookish definitions, so as to make the readers understand the word thoroughly. The terms have also been picked up from fields distantly related to AIDS and family education. Readers will find words even from subjects like biochemistry, anthropology, andrology, social medicine, sociology, community education, social work, toxicology, dietetics, obstetrics and gynaecology. Today there is more of collaboration and cooperation between different branches of science than competition, it certainly is a good sign for the betterment of human beings and humanity. The readers are also being provided with a supplement at the end of the encyclopaedia, which will be an additional source of information on various related aspects, i.e. legislation on blood and blood products, medical eligibility criteria for starting contraceptive methods, list of zonal surveillance, reference centres in India, types of malignancies and infections in AIDS etc. The NGOs, social workers, doctors, journalists, researchers, students and even general readers will find it equally beneficial. Hope this encyclopaedia will help in disseminating information and creating awarness about AIDS, HIV and family education to a large extent. |