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Handbook of Medicinal Plants, 5th Edition / Bhattacharjee, S.K.
Handbook of Medicinal Plants, 5th Edition
Bhattacharjee, S.K.
List Price : US$ 162.44
Our Price : US$ 129.95

  Book ID : 1209
  ISBN-10 : 81-7132-548-3 / 8171325483
  ISBN-13 : 978-81-7132-548-1 / 9788171325481
  Place of Publication : Jaipur
  Year of Publication : 2008
  Edition : (Fifth Edition)
  Language : English
  xxx, 474p., 31 Col. Plts., 46 Ills., Index, 25 cm.
1. History
2. Isolation and Characterisation of Active Principles
3. Transformation of Medicinal System
4. Medicinal Plants which are Widely Known for their Curative Effects of Certain Diseases
5. Essential Oils from Plants Used in Medicine
6. Need for Commercial Cultivation of Medicinal Plants
7. Commercial Cultivation of Plants useful for Modern Medicine
8. Export of Medicinal Plants and Phytochemicals
9. Abies (Tourn.) L
10. Abrus L
11. Abutilon Mitt
12. Acacia (Tourn.) L
13. Acampe L
14. Acanthus (Tourn.) L
15. Achilka L
16. Achyranthes L
17. Aconitum L
18. Acorus L
19. Actaea (Tourn.) L
20. Actiniopteris Link
21. Adhatoda (Tourn.) Mill
22. Adiantum L
23. Adonis L
24. Aegle Correa Ex. Koen
25. Aerva Forsk
26. Aesculus L
27. Aethusa L
28. Agathosma Willd
29. Agave L
30. Ageratum L
31. Ailanthus Desf
32. Ainsliaea D.C.
33. Ajuga L
34. Aletris L
35. Allium L
36. Alnus Mill
37. Aloe L
38. Alpinia Roxb.
39. Alstonia R.Br
40. Althaea L
41. Amaranthus L
42. Ammi L
43. Ampelocissus Planch Anacardium L
44. Anagallis L
45. Anamirta Colebr
46. Anemone L
47. Andira (Lam.) Juss
48. Andrographis Wall
49. Androsace (Tourn.) L. Angelica L.
50. Anthemis L.
51. Anthyllis L.
52. Apium L.
53. Aplectrum (Nutt) Torr Apocynum L
54. Arachis L
55. Aralia L
56. Arctium L
57. Arctostaphylos Adans., Areca L
58. Argemone L
59. Arisaema Mart
60. Aristolochia L
61. Arnebia Forsk
62. Arnica L
63. Artemisia L
64. Asarum L
65. Asclepias L
66. Asclepiodora A. Gray Ascophyllum L
67. Asimina Adans
68. Asparagus L
69. Asplenium L
70. Aster Tourn Ex L
71. Astragalus L
72. Athyrium Roth
73. Atropa L
74. Azadirachta A. Juss
75. Bacopa Aubl
76. Balanites Del
77. Baptisia Vent
78. Barringtonia Forst
79. Bauhinia L
80. Begonia (Tourn.) L
81. Bellis L
82. Berberis (Tourn.) L
83. Bergenia Moench
84. Betonia L
85. Betula L
86. Blumea DC
87. Boehmeria Jacq
88. Boerhavia L
89. Bombox L
90. Borago L
91. Brassica L
92. Bryonia L
93. Buchanania Spreng
94. Bupleurum (Tourn.) L
95. Butea Koen ex Roxb
96. Caesalpinia L
97. Calendula L
98. Callistemon R. Br
99. Callotropsis (R.Br.) G. Don. Caltha L
100. Camphorosma L
101. Canna L
102. Cannabis (Tourn.) L
103. Capparis (Tourn.) L
104. Capsella Medic
105. Capsicum L
106. Cardamine L
107. Carduus L
108. Carica L
109. Carlina L
110. Carthamus L
111. Carum L
112. Cassia L
113. Cassiope D. Don
114. Castanea Mill
115. Catalpa Scop
116. Catheranthus G. Don
117. Caulophyllum Michx
118. Ceanothus L
119. Celastrus L
120. Celtis (Tourn.) L
121. Centaurea L
122. Centella L
123. Centratherum Cass
124. Cephaelis S.W.
125. Cephalanthus L
126. Ceratonia L
127. Chamaelirium Willd
128. Cheilanthes SW
129. Cheiranthus L
130. Chelidonium L
131. Chelone L
132. Chenopodiun L
133. Chimaphila Pursh
134. Chioncmthus L
135. Chlorophytum Ker-Gawl
136. Choerophyllum Brongn
137. Chondrodendron Ruiz and Pav. Corr. Miers
138. Chondrus Stackh
139. Chrysanthemum L
140. Cimicifuga Wernischek
141. Cinchona L
142. Cinnamomum Schaeffer
143. Cirrhopetalum L
144. Cirsium Mill
145. Cissampelos L
146. Citrullus Schrad ex Eckl and Zeyh
147. Citrus L
148. Claviceps Tul
149. Clematis (Dill) L
150. Cleome (L.) DC
151. Cnicus L, emend Gaertn
152. Coccoloba P.Br. mut L
153. Cochlearia L
154. Cochlospermum Kunth
155. Codonopsis Wall
156. Coelogyne L
157. Colchicum L
158. Coleus Lour
159. Collinsonia L
160. Colutea L
161. Commiphora Jacq
162. Comptonia L. 'Herit Ex Ait
163. Convolvulus L
164. Coptis Salisb
165. Corallorhiza Gagnebin
166. Coriandrum L
167. Cornus L
168. Corydalis Vent
169. Coscinium Colebr
170. Costus L
171. Crataegus (Tourn.) L
172. Crataeva L
173. Croton L
174. Cupressus (Tourn.) L
175. Curculigo Gaertn
176. Curcuma L
177. Cuscuta L
178. Cyamopsis DC
179. Cydonia Mill
180. Cynanchum L.
181. Cynara L
182. Cynoglossum L.
183. Cypripedium L
184. Cytissus L.
185. Dactylorhiza Neck Ex Navski Daphne L
186. Datura L
187. Daucus L
188. Delphinium L
189. Dendrobium SW
190. Dendrocalamus Nees
191. Derris Lour
192. Dicentra Borckh Corr. Bernh
193. Dictamnus L
194. Digitalis L
195. Dioscorea L
196. Diosphros L
197. Dodonaea (Mill.) L Dolichos L
198. Dubiosia R.Br.
199. Dry op tens Adans
200. Dyssodia Cav
201. Echinacea Moench
202. Echinocereus Engelm
203. Elettaria Maton
204. Emblica Gaertn
205. Embelia
206. Ephedra L
207. Epilobium (Dill) L
208. Epipactis SW
209. Equisetum L
210. Eria L
211. Erigeron L
212. Eriodictyon Benth
213. Erodium L'Herit
214. Eryngium (Tour) L
215. Erythrina L
216. Erythronium L
217. Erythroxylum Br
218. Eucalyptis L'Herit
219. Eugenia L
220. Eulophia R.Br
221. Euonymus L
222. Eupatorium L
223. Euphorbia L
224. Euphrasia L
225. Fagopyrum Moench Fagus L
226. Ferula L
227. Foeniculum Mill
228. Fragaria L
229. Fraxinus L
230. Fumaria L
231. Furcellaria
232. Galega L
233. Galium L
234. Garcinia L
235. Gardenia Ellis
236. Gaultheria Kalm Ex L
237. Gaura L
238. Gelidium Lamour
239. Gelsemium Juss
240. Genista L
241. Gentiana L
242. Geranium L
243. Gerbera Gronov
244. Gewnz L
245. Gillenia Moench
246. Ginkgo L
247. Glechoma L
248. Gliricidia Kunth
249. Gloriosa L
250. Glycyrrhiza L
251. Gossypium L
252. Gracilaria Greville
253. Gratiola L
254. Grewia L
255. Grindelia Willd
256. Guaiacum Plum
257. Gutierrezia Lag
258. Habenaria Willd
259. Haematoxylon L.
260. Hamamelis L
261. Hedeoma Pers
262. Helenium L
263. Helianthemum (Tourn.) Mill
264. Helianthus'L
265. HeJicteresL
266. HelleborusL
267. Hemidesmus (L) Schult
268. Hepatica Mill
269. Heradeum L.
270. Hemiaria L.
271. Heuchera L.
272. Hibiscus L
273. Holarrhena R.Br
274. Humulus L
275. Hydnocarpus Gaertn
276. Hydrangea L
277. Hydrasto Ellis Ex L
278. Hygrophila R.Br
279. Hyoscyamus L
280. Hypodematium Kunze
281. Hyssopus L
282. Ilex L
283. Illicium L
284. ImpatiensL
285. Inula L
286. Ipomoea L
287. Iris L.
288. Jacaranda Juss
289. Jasminum (Tourn.) L
290. Jeffersonia Bart
291. Juglans L
292. Juniperus L
293. Kigelia DC
294. Kleinhovia L
295. KrameriaL. Ex. Loefl
296. JCjdra Roxb
297. Lactuca L
298. Lagerstroemia L
299. Laggera Sen. Bip. Ex. Oliv
300. Laminaria Lam
301. Lannea A. Rich
302. Larix Mill
303. Laurus L
304. Lavendula L
305. Lowsonia L
306. Leonurus L
307. Leucas (Burn) R.Br
308. Linaria (Tourn.) Mill
309. Lindera Thunb
310. Linum L
311. Liparis L.C. Rich
312. Liquidamber L
313. Liridendron L
314. Lobelia L
315. Lonicera L
316. Lycopodium L
317. Lyonia Nvtt
318. Maclura Nutt
319. Macrocystis C.A. Agardh
320. Madhuca J.F. Gmel
321. Magnolia L
322. Malaxis Soland ex. SW
323. Mallotus Lour
324. Malva L
325. Mangifera L
326. Manilkara Adans
327. Mamibium L
328. Marsilea L
329. Matricaria L
330. Megacarpaea DC
331. Melalauca L
332. Melastoma L
333. Meliltous L
334. Melissa L
335. Menispermum L
336. Mcntha L
337. Menyanthes L
338. Mercurialis L
339. Mesua L
340. Michelia L
341. Microstylis Nutt
342. MimusopsL
343. MirabilisL
344. Mitchelia L
345. Mitragyne Korth
346. Momordica L
347. Monarda L
348. Monotropa L
349. Morina L
350. Monnga (Burm) Adans
351. MorusL
352. Mucuna Adans
353. Murraya Koen ex L
354. Mamibium L
355. Musa L
356. Myrica L
357. Myrospermum Jacq
358. Myroxylon L.F
359. NardostachysDC
360. Nasturtium R.Br
361. Nauclea L
362. Nelumbium Juss
363. Nqxta L
364. Aferriun L
365. Nicotiana L
366. Nymphoea L
367. Ocimum L
368. Oenanthe L
369. Olea L
370. Ononis L
371. Onosma L
372. Opcrculina S. Manso
373. Ophioglossum L
374. Opuntia Mill
375. Orrlus L
376. Origanum L
377. Ostrya (Mich) Scop
378. Oxalis L
379. Oxydendrum DC
380. Palms (Other Palms)
381. Panax L
382. Papaver L
383. Parkia R.Br
384. Passiflora L
385. Pedicularis L
386. Peganum L
387. Penstemon Schmid
388. Pergularia L
389. Perilepta Bamek
390. Petroselinum Hill
391. Peucedanum L
392. Pholidoda L
393. Phyllanfhus L
394. Physostigma Balf
395. Phytolacca L
396. Picea L. Dietr
397. Picrasma Blume
398. Picrorhiza Royle Ex Benth
399. Pilocarpus Vahl
400. Pimenta L
401. Pimpinella L
402. Pinus L
403. Piper L
404. Plantago L
405. Pleurospermum Hoffm
406. Plumbago L
407. Plumeria Tourn Ex. L
408. Podophyllum L
409. Polianthes L
410. Polyalthea Blume
411. Polygala L
412. Polygonatum Mill
413. Polygonum L
414. Pongamia Vent
415. Popuius L
416. Potentilla L
417. Primula L
418. Prinsepia Royle
419. Prosopis L
420. Prunella L
421. Prunus (Tourn.) L
422. Psoralea L
423. Peridium Scop
424. Pterocarpus (L.) Jacq
425. Pterocladia J.Ag
426. Pulmonaria L
427. Punica L
428. Putranjiva Wall
429. Pyrethrum Zinn
430. Quercus (Tourn.) L
431. Rouvolfia L
432. Reseda L
433. Rhamnus L
434. Rheum L
435. Rhododendron L
436. Rhus (Tourn) L
437. Ribes L
438. Ricinus L
439. Robinia L
440. Rosa L
441. Rosmarinus L
442. Rubus L
443. Rudbeckia L
444. Rumex L
445. Ruta L
446. Salix L
447. Salsola L
448. Salvia L
449. Sambucus L
450. Sanguinaria L
451. Sanguisorba L
452. Santalum L
453. Saponaria L
454. Saraca L
455. Sarcococca L
456. Sassafras Trew
457. Satyrium SW
458. Saussurea DC
459. Scabiosa L
460. Schinus L
461. Schleichera Willd
462. Scilla L
463. Scrofularia
464. Scutellaria
465. Sedum L
466. Sempervivum L
467. Senecio L
468. Serenoa Hook, f
469. Sesamum L
470. Sesbania (Scop) Adans
471. Shorea Roxb. Ex. Gaertn
472. Sida L
473. Silybum Vaill Ex. Adans
474. Sinapis L
475. Smilacina Desf
476. Smilax L
477. Solanum L
478. Sophora L
479. Sorbus (Tourn.) L
480. Spathodea Beauv
481. Sphaeranthus L
482. Spigelia L
483. Spiraea L
484. Stellaria L
485. Sterculia L
486. Stillingia Garden Ex. L
487. Strophanthus DC
488. Styrax L
489. Swertia L
490. Symphytum L
491. Symplocarpus Salisb
492. Symplocos Jacq
493. Syzygium Gaertn
494. Tabebuia Gomez. Ex. DC
495. Tamarindus L
496. Tamus L
497. Tanacetum L
498. Taraxacum Weber
499. Tecoma Juss
500. Tectaria Cav
501. Dephrosia Pers
502. Terminalia L
503. Ttucrium L
504. Thalictmm L
505. Theobroma L
506. Thcspesia Soland
507. Thevetia (L.) Juss. Ex. Endl
508. Thlaspi'L
509. Thuja L
510. Thymus L
511. Tiarella L
512. Tilia L
513. Tinospora Miers
514. Trachelospermum Lem
515. Trianthema (Sauv) L
516. Tribulus L
517. Trichodesma R.Br
518. Trifolium L
519. Trigonella L
520. Trilisa Cass
521. TriIlium L
522. Tristania R.Br
523. Tropaeolum L
524. Tropidia Bl (L.)
525. Tsuga Carr
526. Tussilago L
527. Tylophora R.Br
528. TyphaL
529. Typhonium Schott
530. Ulmus L
531. Umbellularia Nutt
532. Uncaria Schreb
533. Urginea Steinh
534. Urtica L
535. Vaccinium L
536. Valeriana L
537. Vanda R.Br
538. Vanilla Mill
539. Ventilego Gaertn
540. Veratrum L
541. Verbascum L
542. Verbena L
543. Verbesina L
544. Veronica L
545. Veronicastrum Moench
546. Viburnum L
547. Vicia L
548. Victoria Schomb (Lind. 1.)
549. Viola L
550. Viscum L
551. Vitex L
552. Withania Pauquy
553. Woodfordia Salisb
554. Wrightia R.Br
555. Xanthium L
556. Xanthorhiza Marshall
557. Zanthoxylum L
558. Zehneria L
559. Zingiber Boehm
560. Zizyphus Adams
561. Suggestions for Improvement of Medicinal Crop Industry
562. Intellectual Property Rights and Medicinal Plants

With the cost of modern medicine reaching astronomical height, scientists have begun delving into rich and ancient traditional systems based on plants. The ancient dwellers of India had relied on them for centuries to cure themselves and their wisdom is not only enshrined in treatises but has been handed down orally from generation to generation. In the developed Western affluent world too, thinking has veered around to using natural material for drugs and pharmaceuticals and in this context, the abundant inventory of medicinal plants that India has takes on a very important relevance.

This book is a comprehensive volume detailing the characteristics of 560 genera covering 1, 170 species. The documentation is exhaustive including nomenclature, description, distribution, cultivation, processing and physical and chemical properties. With several countries patenting Indian products and methods, a specially written chapter on Intellectual Property Rights and Medicinal Plants has been added to this fourth revised and enlarged edition.

Attempts have been made to include all aspects of medicinal plants. To this end chapters contain complete information on history, isolation and characterization of active principles, transformation of medicinal system, medicinal plants widely known for their curative effects on certain diseases, export of medicinal plants and phytochemicals, suggestions for improvement of medicinal crop industry, etc.

Dr. A.M. Michael, in a specially written foreword, says: "The present book provides comprehensive and condensed information of an extensive and large number of medicinal plants grown and found in different parts of the world covering many important and interesting aspects on the subject. The book will be valuable to students and teachers, scientists, cultivators, entrepreneurs and the farmer."




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