viii, 216p., 30 Charts, Bib., Index, 21 cm. (Astrology and New Age Series No. 1)
CONTENTS:- 1. What is Horary Astrology? 2. The Question or Event. 3. When Not to Pass Judgment. 4. Derived Houses. 5. First Steps in Interpretation. 6. More Rules of Interpretation. 7. Estimating Time. 8. Estimating Place, Direction and Distance. 9. Horary Charts in Relatinship to Natal Charts. 10. The Consulation Horoscope. 11. Practical Examples. 12. Electrion Charts.
Horary astrology is the only form of astrology that provides direct and decisive answers to questions that we want answered as soon as we ask them. It is pure predictive astrology and the interpretation of the chart is quite different than it would be if one were reading a birthchart. This is an excellent text for astrologers who want to start using horary techniques to answer specific questions posted by clients.