Andhra Pradesh is one of the 28 states of the Indian Union. Situated in the middle portion of Eastern half of the Indian peninsula, the state lies between the latitudes 12°37' N and 19°54' N and longitudes 76°46' E and 84°46' E. The total area of the state is 2,75,068 sq km. It has 968 km sea coast line along the Bay of Bengal. The altitude ranges from sea coast to 1500 m above MSL. Annual rainfall ranges between 54 cm in South-West to 200 cm in North-East. Maximum temperature in summer ranges between 37°C and 44°C while the minimum temperature in the winter ranges between 14°C and 19°C. 412 medicinal plants have been enumerated. The following sequence has been followed for the medicinal plants: valid name followed by synonym, family, brief description, distribution in Andhra Pradesh, flowering and fruiting season and medicinal uses. Active principle or chemistry has been given to some plants.