English translation & edited by Lokesh Chandra; 25 cm. (Satapitaka Series Nos. 347-353)
CONTENTS:- Vol.1: Stupa: Art, Architectonics and Symbolism; Vol.2: Rin-Chen-Bzan-Po and the Renaissance of Tibetan Buddhism around the Millennium; Vol.3: The Temples of Western Tibet and their Artistic Symbolism: Part-I:The Monasteries of Spiti and Kunavar, Part-II: Tsaparang; Vol.4: Gyantse and its Monasteries: Part-I: General Description of the Temple, Part-II:Inscriptions, Part-III: Plates.
Fundamentals studies on Tibetology are incorporate in the four volumes (seven bindings) of professor Giuseppe Tucci's Indo-Tibetica. As the work appeared in Italian. very few scholars have benefited by the crucial result of Tucci's investigation and percipations. Morever, Indologists hardly ever approched it, as Tucci's used Tibetan terms like mchod-rten for Stupa. The present english version of the Indo-Tibetica will palced at the disposal of Indologists, Tibetologist, Buddhologists, Historians, Anthropologists, Archaeologists and specialists in allied areas and in bordering areas. Sanskrit Equvilents of tibetan terms have been used throughout to make the text accessible to a wider audience., for example, stupa (mchod-rten). The profundity which Tucci bears on the subject afford a creative view., an inner vision, the original perspective in which Tibetan Buddhism evolved: hence they are a delight for any enlightened reader.