The quality of food is a matter of concern as the modern technology in crop production with the use of pesticides and mineral fertilizers in agriculture has resulted in residues. The standard analytical techniques are being developed rapidly so that more and more residues are detected. Thus, the modern agriculture is posing a global challenge for achieving sustainable development and clean environment.
In fact, consumers are increasingly demanding environment friendly and healthy foods. India is developing organic farming as an approach for sustainable agriculture, taking into consideration both environmental concerns and the growing global organic produce market.
The sustainable agriculture including organic farming is yet to take center stage in agriculture production in India despite agricultural in India despite agricultural policies waxing eloquent on promoting sustainable farming practices.
Thus, it is high time for agricultural extension to play its significant role in creating awareness on various alternatives in farming for sustainable development, also in building motivated human resource to promote organic farming and to have strong institutional arrangements.
This book covers important topics on various alternatives in farming for sustainable development with special emphasis on organic farming. It also covers extension strategies in promoting organic farming, entrepreneurial competencies, HRD techniques and policy recommendations evolved through interaction among practicing organic farmers, scientists and NGO personnel.
The book will be of immense use to planners, administrators, extension workers and all those striving for sustainable development through various alternatives in farming with due concern to environment. |