I. Methods: 1. Vitamins and minerals. 2. Herbs. 3. Naturopathy. 4. Homeopathy and cell salts. 5. Amino acids. 6. Acupressure. 7. Aromatherapy. 8. Flower essences. 9. Gemstones and gem essences. 10. Emotional healing.
II. Remedles: 1. AIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome--HIV). 2. Arthritis. 3. Asthma. 4. Athlete's foot (fungus). 5. Back pain. 6. Blood cleansing. 7. Boils. 8. Breast lumps. 9. Burns. 10. Cancer. 11. Candida albicans (systemic yeast infection). 12. Cataracts. 13. Cervical dysplasia (see sections on cancer, menopause & warts). 14. Chronic fatigue syndrome. 15. Colds and sore throats. 16. Constipation. 17. Coughs and flu. 18. Cystitis (bladder infections). 19. Depression. 20. Diabetes (adult onset). 21. Diarrhea. 22. Fever. 23. Fibroid tumors (see sections on breast lumps, cancer, menstruation & menopause). 24. Hair loss (Alopecia). 25. Headaches. 26. Heart disease. 27. Hemorrhoids. 28. Herpes. 29. Hiccoughs. 30. High blood pressure (Hypertension). 31. Hypoglycemia. 32. Immune system diseases (immune boosting). 33. Indigestion. 34. Insomnia. 35. Leg cramps. 36. Liver cleansing. 37. Menopause. 38. Menstruation. 39. Migraines. 40. Motion sickness. 41. Multiple sclerosis. 42. Obesity affecting health. 43. Osteoporosis. 44. Psoriasis. 45. Sinusitis and allergies. 46. Skin diseases. 47. Sprains and strains. 48. Stop smoking. 49. Stress. 50. Vaginitis. 51. Varicose veins. 52. Warts.