I. Arunachal Pradesh:
1. Introduction.
2. The Anula Shagun T.E.: Background and scope.
3. Economic life of the workers.
4. Social living of the workers.
5. The inter-ethnic relations.
6. Summary and conclusion.
II. Sikkim:
7. Introduction.
8. Temi tea estate-a prelude to its economy and society.
9. Industrial relation in Temi Tea Estate.
10. Economic life of the workers.
11. Social living of the workers.
12. The plantation workers-their customs and traditions.
III. Darjeeling:
13. Background and scope.
14. Socio-economic conditions of the workers.
15. Trade union movement in tea industry.
16. Trade union and workers participation.
17. Ethnicity and trade union movement.
18. Conclusion.