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Check List > Islamic Studies > Islam in General
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Records Found.
1. 366 Readings from Islam / Weyer, Robert Van De (Ed.)
2. 99 Beautiful Names of Allah: Their Qualities, Values and Significance / Al-Jazri, Imam
3. Abdullah: The Father of the Holy Prophet / Hussain, Riaz
4. After Jihad: America and the Struggle for Islamic Democracy / Feldman, Noah
5. Allah is Known through Reason / Yahya, Harun
6. Arab-Islamic Legacy to Life Sciences / Ali, Abdul
7. Aspects of Islam and Muslim Societies / Hasnain, Nadeem
8. A-Z Steps to Leadership / Barrie, Abdul Ghani Ahmed
9. Beyond Belief: Islamic Excursions Among The Converted Peoples / Naipaul, V.S.
10. Beyond Textual Islam / Hasnain, Nadeem (Ed.)
11. The Blessings of Ramadan / Ali, Javed
12. Confluence of Cultures: French Contributions to Indo-Persian Studies / Delvoye, Francoise 'Nalini' (Ed.)
13. Contemporary Islamic Response to the Western Impact / Khan, Abdul Majid
14. Cultural and Religious Heritage of India; 8 Volumes / Sharma, Suresh K. & Sharma, Usha (Eds.)
15. Decolonizing the Hindu Mind / Elst, Koenraad
16. Demystifying Islam: Tackling the Tough Questions / Zafar, Harris
17. Dimensions of Islam: Essays in Understanding Islam / Iqbal, Afzal (Dr.)
18. The Dome of the Rock / Nuseibeh, Siad & et. al.
19. Encyclopaedia of Islamic Shariat; 10 Volumes / Afridi, Maulana Muhammad Razi Khan & Syed, M.H. (Eds.)
20. Evolution of Indo-Muslim Thought From 1857 to the Present / May, L.S.
21. The Faith of Islam / Sell, Edward
22. Family Life Under Islam / Husain, Shujaat
23. Fundamentals of Islam / Ahmed, M. Mukarram (Ed.)
24. Glimpses of Islamic World / Ganjoo, S.
25. Governance Under Islam / Usmani, B.D.
26. Hadrat Abu Bakr: The First Caliph / Ahmed, M. Mukarram (Mufti) (Ed.)
27. Hadrat Ali: The Fourth Caliph / Ahmed, M. Mukarram (Mufti) (Ed.)
28. Hadrat Umar: The Second Caliph / Ahmed, M. Mukarram (Mufti) (Ed.)
29. Hadrat Uthman: The Third Caliph / Ahmed, M. Mukarram (Mufti) (Ed.)
30. Human Rights in Islam: The Modern Perspective; 2 Volumes / Syed, M.H. (Ed.)
31. Influence and Impression of Islam / Arnold, Sir Thomas
32. International Seminar on Reconstruction of Islamic Thought / Khan, Ehsanullah (Ed.)
33. Introduction to Islam / Ahmed, M. Mukarram (Mufti) (Ed.)
34. Introduction to Islam / Hamidullah, Muhammad
35. Islam / Kidwai, Azra
36. Islam / Sharma, Suresh K. & Sharma, Usha
37. Islam & The Modern Age; 2 Volumes / Syed, M.H.
38. Islam and Its founders / Stobart, J.W.H.
39. Islam and Jihad / Noorani, A.G.
40. Islam and Modernity / Hanif, N.
41. Islam at the Crossroads / Asad, Muhammad
42. Islam Related Naipaul / Sarkar, S.N.
43. Islam Under the Microscope: A Condensed Digest for Muslims and Non Muslims / Haque, Firoz Ul
44. Islam, Fundamentalism, and the Betrayal of Tradition / Lumbard, Joseph E.B. (Ed.)
45. Islam: A Religion of Peace / Singh, N.K.
46. Islam: Its Concept and History / Nasir, Syed Mahmudun
47. Islam: Origin, Religious and Political Growth and Its Present State / Hurgronje, C. Snouck
48. Islam: The Religion of Submission / Taher, Mohammed (Ed.)
49. Islamic Concepts of Human Rights / Assheha, Abdur Rehman
50. Islamic Fundamentalism: The New Global Threat / Mohaddessin, Mohammad
51. Islamic Manners; 2 Volumes / Ahmed, Naseem (Ed.)
52. Islamic Psychology Emergence of a New Field / Husain, Akbar (Prof.)
53. Islamic Terrorism: Myth or Reality; 2 Volumes / Syed, M.H. (Ed.)
54. Islamic Theology / Taher, Mohamed (Ed.)
55. Islamic World: Inter-State Relations / Hamidullah, M.
56. Islamic: Suicidal Terrorism / Kumari, Drishna (Dr.)
57. Islamism and Islam / Tibi, Bassam
58. Islam's Role in Modern World / Qureshi, M.U.
59. Living Islam: Treading the Path of Ideal / Maqsood, Ruqaiyyah Waris
60. Long March of Islam: The Future Imperfect / Ohri, R.K. (Retd. IPS)
61. Maulavi Flute: Select Articles on Maulavi Rumi / Qasemi, S.H.
62. Modern Reformist Thought in the Muslim World / Siddiqi, Mazheruddin
63. Modernisation of Muslim Youth / Banerjee, Bani
64. Modesty and Chastity in Islam / Miftahi, M. Zafeeruddin
65. The Moral Values of the Qur'an / Yahya, Harun
66. Muslim Philosophy and Philosophers / Khan, Mohd. Sharif
67. Muslims in India / Singh, S.N.
68. Mystic Musings in Art and Poetry: Thematic Essays from the International Conference 'Mysticism without Bounds' / Kachappilly, Kurian (Dr.)
69. The Names of Allah / Dewan, Parvez
70. Obligations in Islam: Shahadah, Salaat, Saum, Zakaat and Hajj / Ahmed, M. Mukarram (Mufti) (Ed.)
71. Plight of Indian Muslims After Partition / Rehman, Habibur
72. The Quest for Serenity in World Religions / Sharma, Arvind
73. Rational Approach to Islam / Engineer, Asghar Ali
74. Reconstruction of Culture and Islam / Taqi Amini, Maulana Muhammad
75. The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam / Iqbal, Allama Muhammad
76. Religion of Islam: Sources and Foundations of Islamic Religion / Klein, A.C.
77. The Renaissance of Islam / Mez, Adam
78. Revelation and Revolution in Islam / Haque, Ziaul
79. Rights and Liberties Under Islam / Ahmed, M. Mukarram (Mufti) (Ed.)
80. Seeking the Master / Murray, M.
81. The Shi'a of India / Hollister, John Norman
82. A Simple Guide to Islam / Khanam, Farida
83. A Simple Guide to Muslim Prayer / Al-Sawwat, Muhammad Mahmud
84. Social Behaviour in Islam / Husain, Muzaffar
85. Social Revolution of Islam / Husain, Muzaffar
86. Spectacle of Death: Including Glimpses of Life Beyond the Grave / Islam, K.M.
87. Studies in Islam / Sell, Canon
88. Studies in Muslim Philosophy / Shaikh, M. Saeed
89. Tirmizi Shareef; 2 Volumes / Badi-uz-Zama
90. Universal Encyclopaedia of Islam; 5 Volumes / Shehenshah, Muhammad Isar Ahmad
91. Voice of Truth / Mishra, S.
92. What is a Madrasa? / Moosa, Ebrahim
93. What is Riba? / Suhail, Iqbal Ahmad Khan
94. What is Shariah? / Ajijola, Alhaj A.D.
95. Who is Allah? / Lawrence, Bruce B.
96. The Wonderful Universe of Allah / Khan, Saniyasnain
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