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601. Quest and Reflections of the Sakti Tattva: A Study of the Sakti Siddhanta, Agamic Sahasranama and Stotra Mimamsa / Raina, Chaman Lal
602. Quest: The Vedic Answers / Raheja, Madan
603. The Quiet Mind: A Journey through Space and Mind / Coleman, John E.
604. Ramkavya: Valmikeeya Ramayana Ka Hindi Padyantarana; Bhag-1: Balkanda-Ayodhyakanda
605. Rationality and Mind in Early Buddhism / Hoffman, Frank J. (Corrected Ed.)
606. The Ravenous Hyenas and the Wounded Sun: Myth and Ritual in Ancient India / Jamison, Stephanie W.
607. Reasoning into Reality: A System-Cybernetics Model and Therapeutic Interpretation of Buddhist Middle Path Analysis / Fenner, Peter
608. Recent Researches in Buddhist Studies (Festschrift in Honour of Professor A.K. Chatterjee) / Sebastian, C.D. (Ed.)
609. Recognizing Reality: Dharmakirti's Philosophy and Its Tibetan Interpretations / Dreyfus, Georges B.J.
610. The Reflexive Nature of Awareness: A Tibetan Madhyamaka Defence / Williams, Paul
611. Reincarnation: True Cases of Children Who Have Lived Before / Hardo, Trutz
612. Relations in Abhidhamma Philosophy / Kumar, Bimalendra
613. Relevance of Manusmrti in Modern Age / Nagar, Pushpa (Dr.)
614. Religion and Human Society: A Scientific and Historical Analysis / Ram, Mahabal
615. The Religion and Philosophy of the Veda and Upanishads (2 Volumes) / Keith, Arthur Berriedale
616. Religion and Practical Reason: New Essays in the Comparative Philosophy of Religions / Reynolds, Frank E.
617. Religion and Science: A Philosophical Approach / Rezania, Hamid
618. Religion and World Peace / Varma, Chandra B. (Ed.)
619. Religion Dharma and Policy / Jha, Rakesh Kumar (Ed.)
620. Religions and Comparative Thought-Essays in Honour of the Late Dr. Ian Kesarcodi Watson / Bilimoria, Purusottama & Fenner, Peter
621. Religious Consciousness and Life-Worlds / Rukmani, T.S. (Ed.)
622. Religious Mysticism of the Upanisads (Selected Sanskrit Texts with English and Hindi Translations and Notes, with Foreword in Sanskrit) / Lal, Krishna (Dr.)
623. Religious Positivity / Singh, N.K. & Tripathi, S.M. (Eds.)
624. Religious Thought of Modern India: With Special Reference to Raja Rammohan Roy, Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. S. Radhakrishnan / Krupanandam, N.
625. Remaking Buddhism for Medieval Nepal: The Fifteenth-Century Reformation of Newar Buddhism / Tuladhar-Douglas, Will
626. Researches in Indian and Buddhist Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Prof. Alex Wayman / Sharma, Ram Karan (Ed.)
627. Reunderstanding Indian Philosophy / Barlingay, S.S.
628. Revealing Deeper Meanings: Narratives from Vedas to Puranas / Dange, Sindhu S.
629. Reverence of Sri Ramanuja to God
630. Revolution: Talks on Kabir / Osho
631. Rgveda with Commentaries of Skandasvamin, Udgitha, Venkata-Madhava and Mudgala; 8 Volumes / Vishva Bandhu (Ed.)
632. Rgveda-Samhita: Mandalas 1-10 (Sanskrit text, introduction, notes and index and verses) / Joshi, K.L. (Ed.)
633. Rgvedic Rsikas: Life and Philosophy / Ghosh, Ela
634. The Rig Veda Samhitaa, Sanskrit text and English translation by Dr. Prasanna Chandra Gautam (4 Volumes)
635. The Rigveda and the Avesta: The Final Evidence / Talageri, Shrikant G.
636. Rigveda mein Savita - Savita in Rigveda (in Hindi) / Pandey, Heramba (Dr.)
637. Rigveda Samhita: According to the translation of H.H. Wilson and Bhasya of Sayanacarya, edited and revised with an exhaustive introduction and notes; 4 Volumes (Sanskrit text, English translation & notes) / Arya, Ravi Prakash & Joshi, K.L. (Eds.)
638. Rishikas of the Rigveda / Saraswati, Swamini Atmaprajnananda
639. Ritualistic Philosophy of Death and Disposal of the Dead; 2 Volumes / Singh, N.K. (Ed.)
640. The Rivers of the Mandala: Journey into the Heart of Buddhism / Allix, Simon & Vilmorin, Benoit De
641. RSIS: The Divine Seers / Pargiter, E.F.
642. Russia Looks at India: A Spectrum of Philosophical Views / Stepanyants, Marietta (Ed.)
643. The Sacred India Tarot: Inspired by Indian Mythology and Epics / Arya, Rohit
644. Saddharma Lankavatara Sutra (Vaipulya Sutra) / Dubey, Yadunatha (Ed.)
645. The Saddharma Pundarika Or, The Lotus of the True Law / Muller, F. Max (Ed.)
646. Sahaj Prakash: The Brightness of Simplicity / Bai, Sahajo
647. Saktism in India / Kumar, Pushpendra
648. Samantabhadra's Aptamimamsa: Critique of An Authority (along with English translation, notes and Akalanka's Sanskrit commentary Astasati) / Shah, Nagin J. (Tr.)
649. Samavaya Foundation of Nyaya-Vaisesika Philosophy / Shastri, Biswanarayan
650. The Samaveda: Sanskrit text with English translation by Devi Chand
651. Samaveda-Samhita (Sanskrit text, introduction, notes and index of verses) / Joshi, K.L. (Ed.)
652. Sambodhi: The Facets of Bodh Gaya / Mahajan, Arvind
653. The Samkhya Philosophy / Sinha, Nandalal (Tr.)
654. The Samkhya Philosophy; 2 Volumes / Basu, B.D. & Sinha, N. (Eds.)
655. Samsara and Nirvana: A Unifying Vision / Misra, V.N.
656. Samveda Samhita (Fully Revised Edition includes Sanskrit text, introduction and notes by Dr. Ravi Prakash Arya) / Griffith, Ralph T.H.
657. Samvidullasah: Manifestation of Divine Consciousness (Swami Lakshman Joo - Saint-scholar of Kashmir Shaivism - A Centenary Tribute) / Baumer, Bettina & Kumar, Sarla (Eds.)
658. Samyuktabhidharmahrdaya Sastra: Heart of Scholasticism with Miscellaneous Additions translated by Bart Dessein; 3 Volumes
659. Sanatan Dharma: A Philosophical Truth, Spiritual Science and Fundamental Law of Nature / Singh, Sushila (Dr.) (Smt.)
660. Sandhya-Agnihotra / Vedalankar, Dilip. (Dr.) (Ed.)
661. Sankara on Bhakti / Balakrishnan, S.
662. Sankara Philosophy and The Role of Religion in Indian Society / Adat, Dharmaraj
663. Santana and Santanantara: An Analysis of the Buddhist Perspective Concerning Continuity, Transformation and Transcendence and the Basis of An Alternative Philosophical Psychology / Chinchore, Mangala R.
664. Santarakshitasammata Bauddha-pramana-mimamsa / Naina, Anita (Dr.)
665. Santarasa and Abhinavagupta's Philosophy of Aesthetics / Masson, J.L. & Patwardhan, M.V.
666. Santhara: A Jain Ritual of fast unto Death / Kothari, Namrata (Dr.)
667. Santideva and Bodhicaryavatara: Images, Interpretations, Reflections / Rao, C. Upender; Chodron, Chodrung-ma Kunga & Dexter, Michelle L. (Eds.)
668. Sarva-Darsana-Samgraha of Sayana-Madhava (with Commentary in Sanskrit by Vasudev Shastri Abhyankar) / Cowell, E.B. & Gough, A.E. (Trs.)
669. The Sarva-Darsana-Samgraha on Review of the Different System of Hindu Philosophy by Madhava Acharya / Cowell, E.B. & Gough, A.E. (Trs.)
670. The Sarva-Darsana-Sangraha of Madhavacharya or Review of the Different Systems of Hindu Philosophy / Cowell, E.B. & Gough, A.E. (Trs.)
671. Sarvadarsanasangrahah, Sanskrit text with 'Subodhini' Hindi commentary by Madhav Janardan Ratate
672. Sarvastivada and its Tradition / Singh, Sanghasen (Ed.)
673. The Sautrantika Analytical Philosophy: Buddha's Original Logical / Singh, Amar
674. Sayana's Upodghata to the Taittiriya Samhita and the Rgveda Samhita (Introduction, English Translation of the text and notes) / Bali, Saraswati (Dr.)
675. Sayyid Abul Hasan 'Ali Nadwi: Life and Works / Choughley, Abdul Kader
676. Schopenhauer's Encounter with Indian Thought: Representation and Will and Their Indian Parallels / Cross, Stephen
677. Science of Consciousness: A Synthesis of Vedanta and Buddhism / Misra, V.N.
678. The Science of Enlightenment: Enlightenment, Liberation and God: A Scientific Explanation / Trasi, Nitin
679. The Search that Seeks You / Amudha, Sangamithra
680. The Secret Oral Teaching in Tibetan Buddhist Sects / David-Neel, Alexandra & Yongden, Lama
681. The Secret Teachings of the Vedas / Knapp, Stephen
682. Seeing God Everywhere Essays on Nature and the Sacred / McDonald, Barry (Ed.)
683. Select Works of Sri Sankaracharya / Vankataramanan, S. (Tr.)
684. Semitic Religious Thought and Sikhism / Hira, Bhagat Singh
685. Serenity: Here and Now: The Buddha's Sutta-Nipata Sermons / Weeraperuma, Susunaga
686. Seven Weeks After the Buddha's Enlightenment: Contradictions in Text, Confusions in Art / Bopearachchi, Osmund
687. Shaivism in the Light of Epics, Puranas and Agamas / Bhatt, N.R.
688. Sharanam Gachhami: An Album of Awakening / Thukral, Kishore (Comp. & Ed.)
689. Shatchakra Nirupana and Padukapanchaka / Avalon, Arthur & Vidyaratna, Taranatha
690. Shivasahasranamastotram: Shrimat Paramshivendra Sarasawati Krit Bhashyasahitam / Pant, Shrikrishana
691. Shree Krishna and Bhagvat Gita on Man's Dharma: A commentary on the Bhagavat Gita from the view point of Science and Secularism / Patel, Shanabhai Khusalbhai & Rangarajan, G.
692. Shrimad Bhagwatgeetamrat Geetyog / 'pathik', Ramveer Singh Kashuvah
693. Siddharatha / Hesse, Hermann
694. Siddhi: Attainment of the Absolute / Nath, Bhardwaj Umesh
695. Sigalovada Sutta: A Compendium of Socio-economic Philosophy of the Buddha / Thao, Pham Nhat Huong
696. Sikh Philosophy and Spiritual Life / Puri, Shamsher Singh
697. Skanda-Karttikeya: The Son of Siva and the Chief Warrior of Gods / Nagar, Shantilal
698. Skillful Means: The Heart of Buddhist Compassion / Schoreder, John W.
699. Sleeping to Dream and Dreaming to Wake Up!: An Ontological and Epistemological Inquiry into the Nature of Dream and Sleep / Kanchi, Vijay Srinath
700. The Social Message of Mahayana Buddhism: Bodhicaryavatara 4.40 Why shall I not persevere, whole-heartedly, in working for the good of the world, undeterred by difficulties? / Agarwal, Satya P. & Agarwal, Urmila
701. Somadeva's Yasastilaka: Aspects of Jainism, Indian Thought and Culture / Handiqui, Krishna Kanta
702. Some Aspects of the Studies of Dharma-Sastra / Moghe, S.G.
703. Some Facets of Buddhism in Modern World / Sai, Ch. Venkata Siva (Dr.)
704. Soteriology and Freedom / Milchinski, Maja
705. The Soul Theory of the Buddhist (with Sanskrit texts) / Stcherbatsky, Theodore
706. The Spanda-Karikas with the Spanda-Nirnaya / Kaul, Madhusudan (Tr.)
707. The Spiritual Heritage of India / Prabhavananda, Swami
708. The Spread of Theravada Buddhism in South India (3rd Century B.C. upto 14th Century A.D.) / Thero, Hindagala Gnanadhara (Ven.) (Dr.)
709. Sri Krsnavatara Lila: The Birth of Krishna; Composed by Dina Nath; / Grierson, George A. (Tr. & Ed.)
710. Sri Yantra and The Geophilosophy of India / Kumar, Niraj
711. Srimad Bhagavata: The Message Divine / Bhattacharya, A.D.
712. The Srimad Devi Bhagawatam; 2 Volumes / Basu, B.D. & Vijnanananda (Eds.)
713. The Srimadbhagavata Mahapuranam: Text with English Translation, Notes and Index; 3 Volumes / Dutta, M.N. & Kumar, Pushpendra
714. Srimad-Devibhagavatam, translated by Swami Vijayanand; 2 Volumes (Text with English translation)
715. Srivacanabhusanam of Pillai Lokacarya: Translation and Commentary of Manavalamamuni; Critical Evaluation of the Theo-Philosophy of the Post-Ramanuja Srivaisnavism / Rangaswami, J. (Dr.)
716. Status of the Laity in Buddhism / Ahir, D.C.
717. The Stories of Krishna: A Sanskrit Coursebook for Beginners (2 Parts) / Jessup, Warwick & Jessup, Elena
718. Studies in History and Archaeology of Vikramasila Mahavihara: The Last Beacon of Buddhist Philosophy / Sinha, Rajiva Kumar & Pandey, Om Prakash (Eds.)
719. Studies in Mahayana / Pande, Govind Chandra
720. Studies in Philosophy and Religion / Misra, R.S.
721. Studies in the Philosophy of the Bodhicaryavatara: Altruism and Reality / Williams, Paul
722. Studies on the Doctrine of Trairupya / Oetke, Claus
723. A Study of Religion: Its Sources and Contents; 2 Volumes / Martineau, James
724. A Study of the Vedanta in the Light of Brahmasutras / Bapat, Shailaja
725. Suksmagama, Volume I (Chapters 1 to 13) / Sambandhasivacarya S. & Ganesan T.
726. Sunya Purusa: Bauddha Vaisnavism of Orissa / Patnaik, Tandra (Ed.)
727. Sunyavada: The Madhyamika Thought / Mittal, K.K. (Ed.)
728. The Supreme Quest: Your Search for the Truth Ends There Where You Are / Sirshree
729. Suresvara's Vartika on Sariraka Brahmana / Jog, K.P. & Hino, Shoun (Eds.)
730. A Survey of Buddhism: Its Doctrines and Methods through the Ages / Sangharakshita
731. A Survey of Buddhist Thought / Scheepers, Alfred
732. Swami Vivekananda: The Monarch of Monks / Pandya, Dushyanta
733. Swami Vivekananda: Visionary of Truth / Chakraborty, Mohit
734. Systems of Buddhist Thought / Sogen, Yamakami
735. Systems of Buddhistic Thought / Sogen, Yamakami
736. T.R.V. Murti / Coward, Harold
737. Taitriya-Brahmana of Krsna-Yajurveda; 2 Volumes / Thite, Ganesh U.
738. The Taittiriya Upanisad: With the commentaries of Sri Sankaracarya & Sri Suresvaracarya (Translated from the Original Sanskrit into English) / Sastry, Alladi Mahadeva (Tr.)
739. Taittriya-Samhita of Krsna-Yajurveda; 5 Volumes / Deshpande, Maitreyee (Ed.)
740. Tamil Siddhas: A Study from Historical, Socio-Cultural and Religio-Philosophical Perspectives / Sarma, S.A.
741. Taming the Monkey Mind / Chodron, Bhikshuni Thubten
742. Tantratmak Rawan Samhita: Sanskrit Text with Hindi Translations; 4 Volumes
743. Taranatha's Commentary on the Heart Sutra (A Study, Translation and Critical Edition) / Tomlin, Adele
744. Tattvabodha, Volume IV : Essays from the Lecture Series of the National Mission for Manuscripts / Tripathi, Dipti S. (Ed.)
745. Tattvajnanasamsiddhih of Sunyasamadhipada with Marmakalikapanjika of Viryasrimitra, edited by Janardan Shastri Pandey
746. Ten Upanishads of Four Vedas / Piparaiya, Ram K. (Ed.)
747. That Alone, The Core of Wisdom: A Commentary on (Atmopadesa Satakam) the One Hundred Verses of Self-Instruction of Narayana Guru / Yati, Guru Nitya Chaitanya
748. Theistic Buddhism, 2nd Edition / Nithiyanandam, V. (Dr.)
749. Theology of Buddhism; 2 Volumes / Devasthan, Jyot
750. Theory of Relations in Buddhist Philosophy / Kumar, Bimalendra
751. Theravada Buddhism: Reginold S. Copleston / Sobti, H.S.
752. Theravada Buddhist Devotionalism in Ceylon, Burma and Thailand / Saibaba, V.V.S.
753. Thirty Years of Buddhist Studies / Conze, Edward
754. This Mystical life of Ours: A Book of Suggestive Thoughts for each Week through the Year / Trine, Ralph Waldo
755. The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying: A Spiritual Classic from One of the Foremost Interpretex of Tibetan Buddhism to the West / Rinpoche, Sogyal
756. The Tibetan Book of the Dead / Evans-Wentz, W.Y.
757. The Tibetan Book of the Dead: Liberation through Understanding in the Between / Thurman, Robert A.F. (Tr.)
758. The Tibetan Book of the Dead: The Great Liberation by Healing in the Intermediate States (First Complete Translation) / Dorje, Gyurme (Tr.)
759. The Tibetan Book of the Dead: The Great Liberation through Hearing in the Bardo by Guru Rinpoche according to Karma Lingpa / Fremantle, Francesca & Trungpa, Chogyam (Trs.)
760. The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation / Evans-Wentz, W.Y.
761. Tibetan Medicine: A Practical and Inspirational Guide to Diagnosing, Treating and Healing the Buddhist Way / Samel, Gerti
762. The Tibetan Way of Life, Death and Rebirth / Peacock, John
763. Time and Eternity / Coomaraswamy, Ananda K.
764. The Time Keepers of the Vedas: History of the Calendar of the Vedic Period (From Rgveda to Vedanga Jyotisa) / Gondhalekar, Prabhakar
765. The Touch of Sakti: A Study in Non-dualistic Trika Saivism of Kashmir / Furlinger, Ernst
766. Towards a Buddhist Social Philosophy / Harh, Amal Kumal
767. Towards Peace and Prosperity / Kumar, Ravindra
768. Traditional Vision of Man / Saran, A.K.
769. Training the Mind and Cultivating Loving-Kindness / Trungpa, Chogyam
770. Transformation and Healing: Sutra on the Four Establishments on Mindfulness / Hanh, Thich Nhat
771. Treasury of Precious Qualities: The Rain of Joy, 2 Volumes / Lingpa, Jigme
772. A Treatise on Advaita Vedanta: English Translation of Vicaracandrodaya of Pandit Pitambar / Bhuvaneshwari, S.
773. A Treatise on Buddhist Philosophy of Abhidhamma / De Silva, C.L.A.
774. Tribal Religions / Singh, S. Shyamkishore (Ed.)
775. Truth and Tradition in Chinese Buddhism: A Study of Chinese Mahayana Buddhism / Reichelt, Karl Ludvig
776. Truth and Value: Essays in Honour of Dr. Pabitra Kumar Roy / Ghosh, Raghunath (Ed.)
777. The Twelve Principal Upanisads; 3 Volumes / Roer, E.; Cowell, E.B. & Raja Rajendralal Mitra
778. Twenty-Five Suttas from Mulapannasa: Majjhima Nikaya-Medium Length Discourses of the Buddha
779. The Two Truths in Chinese Buddhism / Shih, Chang-Qing
780. Umapati's Commentary on the Pauskaratantra: Chapter 7 Pramana: An annotated translation by Usha Colas-Chauhan
781. Understanding Buddhism / Schmidt-Leukel, Perry
782. Understanding Buddhism: An Insight into the Faith / Singh, Vidyotma
783. Understanding Islam / Schuon, Frithjof
784. The Union of Dzogchen and Bodhichitta / Rinpoche, Anyen
785. Universal Compassion: Practical Instructions on Increasing Love and Compassion / Gyatso, Geshe Kelsang
786. The Universe of Acharya Sushil Muni: The Philosophy of the World Religion / Sadhana, Acarya Sadhvi (Dr.)
787. Urban Centres and Urbanisation as Reflected in Pali Vinaya and Sutta Pitakas / Sarao, K.T.S.
788. Uttar Vedic Samaj evam Sanskriti (in Hindi) / Rao, Vijay Bahadur (Dr.)
789. Vadanyaya of Dharmakirti: The Logic of Debate / Gokhale, Pradeep P. (Ed. & Tr.)
790. Vadanyaya: The Nyaya-Buddhist Controversy / Chinchore, Mangala R.
791. Vaiseshika evam Bauddhon ki Pramanamimamsa: Prasastapada evam Dinnaga ke Visesha Sandarbha mein (in Hindi) / Mishra, Pankaj Kumar (Dr.)
792. Vaisnavism: Its Philosophy, Theology and Religious Discipline / Chari, S.M. Srinivasa
793. Vajrayana Student's Notebook / Dummer, Tom
794. Values in Vedanta Tradition / Das, P.K.
795. Vamana Purana translated by A Board of Scholars (Sanskrit Text, English Translation, An Exhaustive Introduction, Notes and Index of Verses) / Joshi, K.L. & Bimali, O.N. (Eds.)
796. Vartamana Siksha aura Veda = Vartaman Siksha aur Ved / Gupta, Ravindra Kumar (Dr.)
797. Vayu Mahapurana: An Exhaustive Introduction, Sanskrit Text, English Translation, Notes & Index of Verses; 2 Volumes / Sharma, Sudarsan Kumar (Tr.)
798. Veda and Vedic Literature (Selected Papers) / Hock, Hans Henrich (Ed.)
799. The Vedanta of Swami Vivekananda / Prasannakumary, B.
800. The Vedanta Philosophy: With Original Sutra and Explanatory Questions from Upanishads, Bhagwat Gita and their English translation / Majumdar, Sridhar
801. The Vedanta Verses: An Annotative of the Vedanta Triology in Verses / Pathak, Bhawesh Nath
802. The Vedantasutras of Badarayana: Sanskrit text with English translation and the commentary of Baladeva / Vasu, Srisa Chandra (Tr.)
803. Vedantasutras of Badrayana: With the Commentary of Baladeva; 2 Volumes / Basu, B.D. & Vasu, S.C. (Ed.) & (Trs.)
804. Vedic Aorist and Panini / Joshi, Prasad P.
805. Vedic Beliefs and Practices through Arthavada; 2 Volumes / Dange, Sindhu S.
806. Vedic Concept of God / Saraswati, Swami Vidyanand
807. A Vedic Concordance / Bloomfield, Maurice
808. Vedic Concordance; 2 Volumes (in Devanagari) / Bimali, O.N. & Upadhyaya, Sunil Kumar (Eds.)
809. Vedic Culture / Upadhyaya, Ganga Prasad
810. Vedic Humanism: Path to Peace / Vedalankar, Dilip
811. Vedic Kosha (3 Volumes) / Upadhyaya, Chandrasekhar & Upadhyaya, Anil Kumar
812. Vedic Mathematics (Selected Papers) / Glover, James T.
813. Vedic Myth, Ritual and Philosophy: A Study of Davita Interpretation of Veda by Madhva / Tiwari, Anant Sharan
814. Vedic Mythology / Singh, Nagendra Kumar
815. Vedic Mythopoeia: An Approach to Religion Myth and Poetry / Choudhuri, Usha
816. The Vedic Origins of Karma: Cosmos as Man in Ancient Indian Myth and Ritual / Tull, Herman W.
817. Vedic Philosophy of Values / Nigal, S.G.
818. The Vedic Philosophy: Or An Exposition of the Sacred and Mystrerious Monosyllable AUM / Narayana, Har (Tr.)
819. Vedic Studies / Kulkarni, Nirmala R.
820. Vedic Studies (in Hindi) / Tiwari, Shashi
821. Vedic Studies: Language, Texts, Culture, and Philosophy / Hock, Hans Henrich (Ed.)
822. Vedic Symbolism / Singh, Satya Prakash
823. Vedic Traditions and Rituals / Pruthi, Rajkumar & Rameshwari Devi
824. Vedic Variants: A Study of the Variant Readings in the Repeated Mantras of the Veda; 3 Volumes / Bloomfield, Maurice; Edgerton, Franklin & Emeneau, Murray Barnson
825. Vedic Venues: Volume 1 / Jha, Ram Nath; Tiwari, Shashi & Kazanasm Nicholas (Eds.)
826. Vedic View of the Earth: A Geological Insight into the Vedas / Murthy, S.R.N.
827. A Vedic Word-Concordance; 15 Volumes (in 16 parts) / Vishva Bandhu
828. Vedon mein Kala evam Vigyan (Part 1) / Sharma, Satyakama & Sharma, Yogesh (Eds.)
829. Vijnanavada Yogacara and Its Tradition / Mittal, K.K. (Ed.)
830. Violence in Buddhism / Singh, I.N.
831. Vipassana: The Buddhist Way (The Based on Pali Sources) / Sobti, Harcharan Singh (Ed.)
832. The Vishnu Purana, 2 Volumes / Wilson, H.H.
833. Visions of Unity: The Golden Pandita Shakya Chokden's New Interpretation of Yogacara and Madhyamaka / Komarovski, Yaroslav
834. Visnudharmottara Purana: Translated into English from Original Sanskrit Text; 3 Volumes / Shah, Priyabala (Dr.)
835. Vivekananda: East Meets West: A Pictorial Biography / Swami Chetanananda (Ed.)
836. Voice of God: Traditional Thought and Modern Science / Saraswati, Baidyanath (Ed.)
837. Vratya Culture in Vedic Sources (Selected Papers) / Pontillo, Tiziana; Dore, Moreno & Hock, Hans Henrich (Eds.)
838. Vrttamalastuti of Jnanasrimitra with Sakyaraksita's Vrttamala(stuti)vivrti (Critical Edition) / Hahn, Michael (Ed.)
839. Vyakaranaparipracchya - Vyakarana Section (Selected Papers) / Cardona, George & Ogawa, Hideyo (Eds.)
840. Walking Along the Paths of Buddhist Epistemology / Chattopadhyay, Madhumita
841. The Way of God
842. The Way of the Bodhisattva (Book & 3 Audio-CDs Set) / Shantideva
843. The Way of the Bodhisattva: A Translation of the Bodhicharyavatara / Shantideva
844. The Way of the Buddha
845. Way to Liberation Moksa-Marga: An Itinerary in Indian Philosophy / Sribhashyam, T.K. & Sheshadri, Alamelu
846. Way to Nirvana: Six Lectures on Ancient Buddhism as a Discipline of Salvation / Vallee Pousin, L. De La
847. Ways of Thinking of Eastern Peoples: India, China, Tibet, Japan / Nakamura, Hajime
848. Western Thoughts for Asian Readers: Traditions of Greeks, Romans, Jews and Christians / Johnson, D.L.
849. What is Buddhist Studies? / Das, Sanjib Kumar (Ed.)
850. What Makes You Not a Buddhist / Khyentse, Dzongsar Jamyang
851. What the Buddha Thought / Gombrich, Richard
852. What Would Buddha Do? 101 Answers to Life's Daily Dilemmas / Metcalf, Franz
853. White Lotus: Discourses on Fragmentary Notes of Bodhidharma's Four Disciples / Osho
854. White Shadow of Consciousness: Re-cognition of the Actor / Chatterjee, Gautam
855. Wild Awakening: The Heart of Mahamudra and Dzogchen / Ponlop, Dzogchen
856. Wisdom Beyond Words: The Buddhist Vision of Ultimate Reality / Sangharakshita
857. The Wisdom of India / Yutang, Lin
858. The Wisdom of the Buddhist Masters: Common and Uncommon Sense / Sachs, Robert
859. Wittgenstein and Buddhist Ethics / Sai, Ch. Venkata Siva
860. Women Seers of the Rigveda / Gupta, Mau Das
861. The World as Power / Woodroffe, Sir John (Arthur Avalon)
862. World Religions and their Beliefs Systems / Tiwary, Shiv Shanker (Dr.)
863. The World Wisdom's Library of Perennial Philosophy; 6 Volumes
864. Yajurveda Samhita: Sanskrit text, English translation and Notes of Ralph T.H. Griffith / Arya, Ravi Prakash (Ed.)
865. The Yajurveda: Sanskrit text with English translation by Devi Chand
866. Yajurveda-Samhita [Adhyayas 1-40] (Sanskrit text, introduction, notes and index of verses) / Joshi, K.L. (Ed.)
867. Yoga and Zen: A Monograph / Raghupathi, K.V.
868. The Yogacara Idealism / Chatterjee, Ashok Kumar
869. The Yoga-Vasistha of Valmiki; 4 Volumes (Sanskrit text with English translation) / Arya, Ravi Prakash (Ed.)
870. Zen Buddhism: Philosophy and Mysticism / Varma, Chapla

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